mission disc

Targeted Transforaminal Stitch less Surgery under LA .

  BASIC pure endoscopy TRAINING  on MONDAY to SATURDAY 23 24 25 26 27 28 September 2024

FEES FOR MISSION DISC COURSE IN SEPTEMBER IS INR 99000. It can be paid on kotak UPI account missionspine@kotak.  RBI allows payment on upi upto INR500,000.

Training programs under team of DR GORE.  Precision diagnosis, focused reading of MRI and targeting the pain generator under LA and disc herniations. 

PROGRAM not for non surgeons. Dates in September 2024.  You arrive on 22, leave on 28 late noon September 2024. Details about travel etc pl see www.missspine.com

Form for September basic course: https://forms.gle/jowuD7ChTd1APYqn9 [basic is to cover managing pain and disc]

Form for extended advanced course in December that includes basic + stenosis : https://forms.gle/xdE6nunfuvuC5dzY7 

for more info on actual course content at dervan both basic and extended PURE endoscopy pl visit www.missspine.com

All details as to travel. payments, syllabus, reading material etc. on missspine.com

Program for September 2024 

Arrive on Sunday 22. Talks on 23 and 24 September. Covering whole concepts and philosophy with opd session. 25 September cadaver surgery and demos. 26,27 and half 28 is live surgery. more and added details on missspine.com

Beginner level candidates can apply. Dates are 23 to 28, you arrive on 22 September and leave on noon of 28. Preselection form to be filled, link above and screen shot below, only on our confirmation you may pay and plan your travel etc. FEES INR 99,000. For overseas enquire. 

Here  please read  Book 1: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/221227c6dc.html

Book 2: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/2587a0b1e5.html

Book 3: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/8b9f0f6400.html

Book 4: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/2bc80ee5b5.html

These form the syllabus for the course. You can read as flip books online free below.

All enquiries may be sent to mission.spine@gmail.com   For more details pl visit www.missspine.com